
What is baptism? 

Bap­tism is the first step of obe­di­ence in the life of a Chris­t­ian (Matt. 28:18 – 20). It is also a way for Chris­tians to be pub­licly iden­ti­fied with Christ in his death, bur­ial, and res­ur­rec­tion (Rom. 6:3 – 4). Bap­tism does not bring sal­va­tion (Eph. 2:8 – 9), but sym­bol­izes our new life, much like a wed­ding ring sym­bol­izes ones mar­i­tal status. 

How can I be bap­tized at Shad­ow Mountain? 

Sim­ply respond to the invi­ta­tion at the end of one of our ser­vices and let one of our pas­tors know that you are inter­est­ed in being bap­tized. We will talk with you and encour­age you to attend one of our month­ly New Members/​Baptism class­es. Upon com­ple­tion of the class, we will sched­ule your bap­tism if you believe you are ready.


Baptism is the first step of obedience in the life of a Christian (Matt. 28:18-20). It is also a way for Christians to be publicly identified with Christ in his death, burial, and resurrection (Rom. 6:3-4). Baptism does not bring salvation (Eph. 2:8-9), but symbolizes our new life, much like a wedding ring symbolizes ones marital status. You may have a lot of questions and we are here to help you along the way.

• Jesus set an example when he was baptized (Matt 3:16-17) 

• Jesus commended all believers to be baptized (Matt. 28:18-20). It is an act of obedience to do what Jesus said to do. 

• Baptism is symbol of our faith in Jesus- letting everyone know that you love, trust, and put your hope in Jesus Christ. Baptism does not get you to heaven (Eph. 2:8-9) (Luke 23:39-43) but symbolizes our new life, just like a wedding ring symbolizes that someone is married. 

• Baptism lets everyone know you are a Christian! Baptism gives you a chance to say to the church, “I want to love Jesus and I am going to need your help.” And it allows the church to acknowledge your decision and respond, “That's awesome! We are also trying to love Jesus too and we want to help you along the way!” It’s like a welcome ceremony into the family of the Church.

Baptism ceremonies are done differently all over the world (just like weddings and other ceremonies). Here is how we do it at Shadow Mountain:

  • We will pick a date that works for you to come and be baptized in one of the main church services. Students are usually baptized at Saturday Night service (Live at Five).
  • You will come to church before service, meet up with Pastor Grant and will be escorted to the Baptistry area. You can bring a parent with you and there will also be a helper (called Deacon or Deaconess) to guide you through the process.
  • There is a private changing room where you will change into a white robe (symbolizing being made clean and purified in Christ!).
  • During the service you will get into the water in the “baptismal” (it’s like a small warm pool). Pastor Grant will introduce you to the church and you will read your testimony. It will be written down to you don’t have to memorize it)
  • You will be dunked under the water (symbolizing death) and then lifted back out again (symbolizing new life in Christ).
  • Everyone will cheer with excitement because they are so happy for you!
  • And that’s it! You will be all wet, but the helper will give you towels and deal with the wet robe.
  • You will get a video of the baptism sent to your email and a baptism certificate signed by Pastor Grant. 

Baptism is the first step of obedience in the life of a Christian (Matt. 28:18-20). It is also a way for Christians to be publicly identified with Christ in his death, burial, and resurrection (Rom. 6:3-4). Baptism does not bring salvation (Eph. 2:8-9), but symbolizes our new life, much like a wedding ring symbolizes ones marital status. You may have a lot of questions and we are here to help you along the way.

Jesus set an example when he was baptized (Matt 3:16-17) 

Jesus commended all believers to be baptized (Matt. 28:18-20). It is an act of obedience to do what Jesus said to do. Baptism is symbol of our faith in Jesus- letting everyone know that you love, trust, and put your hope in Jesus Christ. 

Baptism does not get you to heaven (Eph. 2:8-9) (Luke 23:39-43) but symbolizes our new life, just like a wedding ring symbolizes that someone is married. Baptism lets everyone know you are a Christian! 

Baptism gives you a chance to say to the church, “I want to love Jesus and I am going to need your help.” And it allows the church to acknowledge your decision and respond, “That's awesome! We are also trying to love Jesus too and we want to help you along the way!” It’s like a welcome ceremony into the family of the Church.

Baptism ceremonies are done differently all over the world (just like weddings and other ceremonies). Here is how we do it at Shadow Mountain:

  • We will pick a date that works for you to come and be baptized in one of the main church services. Students are usually baptized at Saturday Night service (Live at Five).
  • You will come to church before service, meet up with Pastor Chase and will be escorted to the Baptistry area. You can bring a parent with you and there will also be a helper (called Deacon or Deaconess) to guide you through the process.
  • There is a private changing room where you will change into a white robe (symbolizing being made clean and purified in Christ!).
  • During the service you will get into the water in the “baptismal” (it’s like a small warm pool). Pastor Chase will introduce you to the church and you will read your testimony. It will be written down to you don’t have to memorize it)
  • You will be dunked under the water (symbolizing death) and then lifted back out again (symbolizing new life in Christ).
  • Everyone will cheer with excitement because they are so happy for you!
  • And that’s it! You will be all wet, but the helper will give you towels and deal with the wet robe.
  • You will get a video of the baptism sent to your email and a baptism certificate signed by Pastor Chase. 

Getting baptized is the next step in our faith.  We love to see kids come to know Jesus as their Savior and then choose to get baptized! We recommend that kids are at least entering third grade for baptism.

We are excited that you are interested in having your child dedicated to the Lord. The purpose of child dedication is for parents to present their child before God and His people asking for grace and wisdom in carrying out their responsibilities to raise their children up in a manner that is glorifying to God. Parents also come praying that their child will one day trust Jesus Christ as their Savior. Our desire at Shadow Mountain Community Church is to partner with you in this effort and to help make this a meaningful life experience. As a church, we want to partner with you in prayer, fellowship and resources as you begin this journey as a family. This formal declaration is an opportunity to let friends and family know that you will be faithful in not only attendance, but also involvement with your child's spiritual growth.

The required Parent/Child Dedication Class is designed to communicate more effectively what this step is all about in your parenting journey.

Applications for Child dedication can be accessed by clicking the button below.